Category Archives: friendship

The Evening and the Morning

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second … Continue reading

Posted in friendship, love, memories, music | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Walk Together—and Teach: Advent Words 1, 2, and 3

Brief reflections on my own 26 Advents I first experienced the Anglican liturgy and its repository, the Book of Common Prayer—where I found a home for my rootless soul—on the first Sunday of Advent 1996. Can there be a more … Continue reading

Posted in Advent, church, faith, friendship, God, hope, language, religion, teach, together, Walk | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

At the Top of Round Mountain: My 50th Class Reunion (cont.)

Part 2: The Gathering  Thursday, November 4 After uneventful flights from Raleigh-Durham to Sky Harbor, I felt like a rube on her first trip to the big city as I attempted to exit the airport and find my ride. Several … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, friendship, Globe, healing, love, memories, people | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

To the Tops of Many Mountains: My 50th Class Reunion

Part 1: Making Ready for the Journey At some moments we experience complete unity within us and around us. This may happen when we stand on a mountaintop and are captivated by the view. It may happen when we witness … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, church, education, faith, family, friendship, geography, Globe, healing, love, memories, metaphor, people | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Prime Time

Two years ago, in a post to commemorate my milestone of a 65th birthday, I wrote, “The numbers that would seem the most noteworthy are the primes, but we have opted to recognize the boring and uncreative numbers instead.” Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #MudGirlRun, diet, education, exercise, fat, fitness, friendship, healing, hope, obesity, peace, people | Tagged | 2 Comments

Wilmer and Friends . . . Old Friends

The following conversation occurred late on a summer afternoon about fifteen years ago at a house on the shores of Lake Gaston, North Carolina. The participants were a guileless pre-pubescent girl named Victoria and her two much older auditors, Vicki … Continue reading

Posted in friendship, memories | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Metatext: Memories in the Margins

Two weeks ago, on March 18, I saw The Sense of an Ending on the second day of its run at the Cameo Art House Theater in Fayetteville. In 2011–specifically, “Thanksgiving 2011, Lake Mattamuskeet” according to my notation on the flyleaf–I read … Continue reading

Posted in books, friendship, history, language, memories, movies | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Letters from Margaret

It was the spring of 1976. I was 23, smart, fierce, on everybody’s most-likely-to succeed list. But as my undergraduate mentor had predicted, I was still a babe in the woods, having wandered 2,059 miles from the sheltering mountains of my childhood … Continue reading

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