Category Archives: people

At the Top of Round Mountain: My 50th Class Reunion (cont.)

Part 2: The Gathering  Thursday, November 4 After uneventful flights from Raleigh-Durham to Sky Harbor, I felt like a rube on her first trip to the big city as I attempted to exit the airport and find my ride. Several … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, friendship, Globe, healing, love, memories, people | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

To the Tops of Many Mountains: My 50th Class Reunion

Part 1: Making Ready for the Journey At some moments we experience complete unity within us and around us. This may happen when we stand on a mountaintop and are captivated by the view. It may happen when we witness … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, church, education, faith, family, friendship, geography, Globe, healing, love, memories, metaphor, people | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Prime Time

Two years ago, in a post to commemorate my milestone of a 65th birthday, I wrote, “The numbers that would seem the most noteworthy are the primes, but we have opted to recognize the boring and uncreative numbers instead.” Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #MudGirlRun, diet, education, exercise, fat, fitness, friendship, healing, hope, obesity, peace, people | Tagged | 2 Comments

Love One Another–but Not on the Streets of Fayetteville NC

I am writing this post during Holy Week, when Christians worldwide pray and fast and join together in humble worship as they prepare for the annual observation of the Passion, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. Today is Maundy Thursday, commemorated as … Continue reading

Posted in current events, Lent, people, politics, religion | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nunie: Words, Pictures–and Music

Since Just(e) Words made its debut more than a year ago, I have shared in its virtual pages my memories of several formative individuals–including a three-post, 5,000-word homage to my mentor at the University of Arizona. I have also noted more than … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, education, Globe, memories, music, people | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

The Many Gifts of Music

Preferring the feel and the smell and the fillable margins of real books, I had never listened to an audio book until I received one as a Christmas gift from a dear friend seeking to relieve the tedium I experience on … Continue reading

Posted in books, creativity, music, people, religion, review | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Waiting for God

Several days ago, I found a box taped up when we moved here seven years ago and never opened since. Amongst the knickknacks, costume jewelry, and small-appliance instructions I found there was this photo. Two friends hamming it up in over-the-top seasonal regalia sweaters … Continue reading

Posted in love, memories, music, people, religion, writing | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Not Exactly Epiphanies

At the age of 36, I decided to get a master’s degree in English. I have elsewhere–well, everywhere, including in the introductory lecture of nearly every class I teach–suggested that I was standing in a bookstore, staring at the American literature selection, when … Continue reading

Posted in books, memories, musings, people | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Master, Mentor, Friend

This is the last installment of my reminiscences about my decades-long and life-altering relationship with Professor John V. Mering, 1931-2009. Vicki/Victoria I spent hours during the summer of ’74 in the office of the history graduate students. We discussed history as … Continue reading

Posted in education, memories, people, religion | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

The Mering Chronicles (cont. from 6/11)

Hang-ups, hanging out, and hanging on I visited Dr. Mering’s office often to receive assistance with my writing, to ask for suggestions for outside reading, or simply to satisfy his curiosity about how “this girl from a little mining town in the West” … Continue reading

Posted in education, history, memories, people | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments