Category Archives: fat

Prime Time

Two years ago, in a post to commemorate my milestone of a 65th birthday, I wrote, “The numbers that would seem the most noteworthy are the primes, but we have opted to recognize the boring and uncreative numbers instead.” Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #MudGirlRun, diet, education, exercise, fat, fitness, friendship, healing, hope, obesity, peace, people | Tagged | 2 Comments

Fatty, Fatty, Two by Four

A fat child For the illumination of those who didn’t bear the sting of the taunt that inspired my title, let me quote: Fatty, fatty, two by four, Couldn’t get through the bathroom door, So she did it on the … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, exercise, fat, fitness, memories, obesity | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 31 Comments